Car driven by 97-year-old man kills woman, hurts 4 in Japan

Car driven by 97-year-old man kills woman, hurts 4 in Japan

  1. Why on earth are they renewing the license of someone who was well over 90 at the last renewal? I think at least some of the responsibility rests with the licensing authorities

  2. “All four women in the other vehicles — in their 20s, 70s, 80s and 100s — sustained minor injuries”

  3. My grandma is 88 and she stopped driving years ago…. 100?? That person shouldn’t have a license to begin with

  4. It’s clear as day those people shouldn’t be driving in Urban areas like Tokyo, but the thing is there are a lot of elderly that live in rural areas with no way to move around their city without a car. While public transportation is great in the big cities, it’s non-existent in small towns outside the major hubs.

  5. It’s terrible, but not surprising. Had a guy near me still driving after he had already run over, and killed, his wife. He was also about 97. He drove until he died. And yes, when I saw him drive he was terrible.

  6. A potential solution (that won’t prevent all the accidents but will reduce the severity of those that happen) would be for elderly to use limited speed vehicles.

    In several countries in Europe, there are vehicles that you can drive without a license because their speed and weight is severely limited, we could use the same here to keep the elderly mobile while also reducing the chance of accidents and their severity.

    The max speed of their vehicle could even be tied to certain factors like their reflexes or eyesight which are both very easy to test.

  7. > The police declined to reveal whether the man has admitted to the charge.

    Considering that he must have retired at least 10 years ago, it’s probably taking the boys in blue a bit of time digging through his records in order to determine whether or not the old boy is a person of note.

  8. “All four women in the other vehicles — in their 20s, 70s, 80s and 100s — sustained minor injuries”

    100s. Let that sink in.

  9. I saw a guy sideswipe another cat at takadanobaba crossroads. He was in his 80s no one was hurt, but he ripped the drivers side front wheel off. I went over and was telling him to get out of the car. I was worried about a fuel leak. He tried to drive off!

    I was saying “you aren’t going anywhere!” He honestly was in shock I guess but he shouldn’t have been driving. Someone could easily have been killed.

  10. I love the use of the “exonerative passive relative clause” here. It was the car that did it, eh?

    “97-year-old kills woman, hurts 4 while driving.” There, fixed.

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