Any Good Modern Day Books about Japan/Japanese Society?

When I lived and worked as a teacher in Japan 20 years ago, I loved devouring books on Japan written from the foreign perspective from Alan Booth,.Alex Kerr, Will Ferguson etc.

The last good book I read was 7 years ago called Embracing Defeat. These days,books on China seem much more topical and the choices are many.

Has there been any good books updating the social changes or books focusing on modern day Japan that anyone can recommend?

  1. Nothing recent or by a foreigner, so the opposite of what you asked for—sorry. I read a book called A Man of no Talent. Very good. Also rather sad

  2. I’m reading Christopher Harding’s ‘Japan Story – In search of a nation. 1850 to the present’. I’m really enjoying it so far. Worth the read.

  3. In regards to the subreddit, “Loco in Yokohama” was a wild ride. Nonfiction with names changed too.

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