Why does Japanese woman tend to ask me where do i live and how much im paying for rent?

So whats going on? I am a male so first thing that comes to mind is that they are testing my wallet? Or they are curious if they can come over?

I really dont care about anyones house nor been asked this question by other males?

Are my assumptions correct?

I feel awkard as hell when they ask me this lol

  1. Pretty obvious, but they’re checking if you live in a decent area and have a nice place/good money. You can be as vague in your answer as you want.

  2. Yes and yes.

    In most cases, your economic viability is on trial. If you have money and live in a good area, you become handsome and desirable.

  3. More science is needed before a working theory can be formed regarding the inner workings of the J-female brain.

    A gay bar would provide valuable data.

  4. They are checking if you are relationship material. More often than not, Asian societies tend to look for financial stability first before emotional needs.

    Probably can explain why in many situations, some smoking hot babe is paired with Jabba the Hutt-esque men.

  5. I’ve never had a Japanese woman ask me that directly.
    But they’re trying to figure out of you have a decent life style.
    It’s the second question Filipino women ask on the other hand though on dating apps

  6. Most likely checking if you’re “in their league”. It doesn’t mean that they’re worth your league though… but this thing is common in Japan.

  7. tell them you live in a biautiful 1K apartment that has all you could ask for: running water and electicity. next ask them their Cup size and weight

  8. Things that they could be asking:

    Are you actually married/partnered and living with your gf/wife/family? Are you living with a homestay family or at home? Are you living in a dormitory or company housing? If you actually are independent, do you live in a convenient or nice neighborhood? Are you making a decent enough income to afford a comfortable place that she would like to visit? Are you commuting into Tokyo from Mito or Machida or can she crash with you when she misses her train to bumfuck wherever, etc etc.

  9. Occasionally when getting to know someone (male or female) here the subject of living arrangements will come up. Typically where do I live and what my apartment is like. On discovery that I own my own home those questions typically move on to other subjects.

    That being said when I was dating in the US it was moderately common to get the 3rd degree when getting to know someone who was interested in dating you. The common questions back then used to be:

    1. what’s your job?

    2. you have your own car right?

    3. you don’t still live with your parents do you?

    I have no (/sarcasm) idea why someone would ask those questions of a potential dating/mating partner.

  10. Is this on a dating app or something? I don’t think I’ve ever (in 20 years) been asked about what I pay for rent. Including when I was dating.

    Where you live is a pretty standard question of interest though.

  11. How much is your rent sounds like Singaporean Chinese lol. How much your haircut uh? Which condo you live? Have pool?

  12. Never been asked that. Seems like a red flag to me instinctively, but if you think about it – why do we place so much stock in how someone looks? Perhaps having a good income signifies intelligence, maturity, foresight. Maybe more desirable than how many times you can pick up heavy things up and put them down again, or how quickly and for how long you can run in circles.

  13. Are you talking about women you’re dating?

    I don’t know, but I’m not going to date a guy who lives in a shithole or in a dangerous area. It’s not that hard to understand

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