Japanese project encourages men to lead change for gender equality

Japanese project encourages men to lead change for gender equality


  1. It’s been a few years since I lived in Japan, but at that time, the women didn’t really want professional equality.

    They saw the men getting worked to death, and preferred to remain SAHMs or hourly office workers (living with their parents).

    I wonder if that is still part of the problem today.

  2. > While Katsube said ***most of the messages aimed at men focus on breaking away from masculine behavior***, he feels “we should first focus on the fact that men often commit discrimination and sexual violence.”

    > In addition to ***encouraging schools and companies to adopt the project’s principles***, Katsube plans to ***call for corporations and politicians to use them as an indicator during job hunting and voting.***

    Wait, what? Please tell me I’m reading this wrong. They want to not only tell men not to be masculine, but they want schools to teach boys not to be masculine, and they want employability and voting rights to also be dependent on said demasculinization? Holy fucking shit. You can’t do that.

    I’m all for addressing issues regarding discrimination and sexual violence (let’s take it a step further and include sexual harassment); that stuff is problematic and is most certainly not manly – but you can’t change society to punish men for being biological males. The people involved in this project deserve nothing more than a laugh.

  3. I kinda feel like releasing something on International Men’s Day talking about how men can throw everything into fixing gender issues which are apparently all about women, rather than highlighting how shit it can be to have to conform to male social norms in Japan (or anywhere else) including how that indirectly also harms women, is gonna be ignored at best and counterproductive at worst.

  4. Unnecessary. Useless. Off topic. Trying to replicate the western ideology in Japan is simply impossible.

  5. The government benefits a lot from taxing dual incomes. Restaurants and fast food joints also earn more money when adults or parents have no time to cook at home. I wonder if this helps the typical family in Japan.

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