Victims speak up as Japan moves to protect young people in porn

Victims speak up as Japan moves to protect young people in porn

  1. this is good and should happen everywhere

    edit: guessing all the downvotes from organized crime bots

  2. There are two sides to this story and there are productions and actors/actresses fighting to have this repealed. Those in and adjacent to the industry were completely left out of the conversation and only learned about this through the news.

    I personally know someone who’s child’s college education is in danger because the porn industry will go underground and become very corrupt after this.

    The bill started off as a way to protect 18 and 19 year-olds by allowing them to use an escape clause to prevent their media from entering circulation (No legitimate respectable producers actually approached anyone under 20 anyways). But over time various politicians jumped in to the fray and expanded the clause to cover people of all ages under the pretext of demonizing pornography itself.

    What’s going to happen now is that shady agencies are going to have their actresses consent to a shoot, get paid to be filmed only to opt out from having it released, thereby screwing over the production.
    If an actor did this during the production of a normal movie there would be lawsuits, but no one is there to protect the pornography industry because it is apparently “inherently bad”.

    And it’s not only the production that loses, there’s going to be a lot of financially compromised women who will see this as an easy way to make money while remaining anonymous. They will come in to the industry oblivious to the consequences and with legitimate producers losing traction, end up with bad production companies who will threaten and blackmail to release the film.
    It’s going to end up having the exact opposite effect of protecting women.

    Of course if the lawmakers have the foresight to improve the entire pornography landscape, rather than what’s right in front of them, that’s great. But I bet that after passing this law they’re just going to pat themselves on the back and not even acknowledge that a black market exists.

  3. This is good, and should happen everywhere.

    Alright, go ahead and crucify me now.

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