Particle confusion on Duolingo wa vs wo

So I’m currently working through unit 10 and learning various Verbs such as eat, sleep, awake etc

I’ve noticed that when saying “I eat xyz” the particle wo is used eg 肉を食べます for I eat meat but wa is used when saying I don’t eat meat 肉は食べません.

Is this correct? If so could someone explain the difference?

  1. If you put wa, it feels like you’re saying meat is editable but when you put wo you’re saying I/you/people in general eat meat. But if you’re still having confusion. Think of it like this, “I wo eat meat”. Since wo is an action partical, you’d have to put wo with eat.

  2. The way that helps me is that (wo) describes something being acted on. (Wa) describes who is doing it.

    Eg: わたしはさかなをたべます。

    So the (wo) describes what is being done to the fish. In this case, being eaten.

    Least as I understand it.

  3. Go watch Cure Dolly on YouTube she explain things that you never gonna learn on app, websites or books

  4. This is complicated so I’ll try to keep it simple.

    Both are correct but they do have differences in nuance.

    を can be used in the general sense to mark the object and indicate a new bit of information in the sentence.

    ※ ライオンは肉を食べます。

    A lion eats meat.

    ※ ライオンは何を食べますか?


    What does a lion eat?

    A lion eats meat.

    は is used either to agree with something said previously stated or contrast something stated previously. I’ve put the nuance of the sentence in brackets

    ※ ライオンは肉は食べますか?


    (Regarding meat,) Does a lion eat meat?

    (Regarding meat, )A lion eats meat.

    ※ ライオンは肉を食べます。野菜は食べません。

    A lion eats meat. (Although a lion eats meat,) It does not eat veggies.

    I hope that helped. It may have made it more confusing 😅

    Also lion has stopped looking like a real word to me 🤣

  5. you often use は to negate a statement. see also: 猫**が**好きです and 猫**は**好きではありません

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