Iternary check for March 2023

Let’s do one of these. I’m an experienced Japan traveller, but I’m still curious for your thoughts on this one. I’ll be travelling for the entirety of March, together with my mum. We recently lost my father and her huband 😔 so I want to give her the best experience that I possibly can within the extend of our budget, and taking into account her age. She’s quite active though, she can probably walk farther than I can 😅

## Day 0 – Fly over to Haneda Airport

Business class of course. I don’t want to put her (or myself) through economy for 16 bloody hours.

## Day 1, 2, 3 – Tokyo

We shall stay at a nice 4-star hotel in Gotanda. Seems like a convenient location. Tokyo is not a priority to us, so 3 days seems enough. In three days we will cover:

* South/harbour area, including Odaiba in the evening.
* East Tokyo – Asakusa, Imperial Gardens, and Yanaka Ginza.
* West Tokyo – Ikebukuro, Shibuya, Meiji Shrine.

Big bummer is the fact that the Edo Museum is closed for renovations. She would’ve loved that one.

## Day 4, 5 – Takayama

Go to Takayama by train. Probably stay in a cheaper hotel, just to introduce some variety. We’ll visit the historical sights, and Hida-no-Sato.

## Day 6, 7, 8, 9 – Kyoto

My mum is very keen on cultural stuff, so I thought I’d have us spend some more time here than I would when by myself. We’ll probably visit the important sites like Kinkakuji, Nijo Castle, Gion, Arashiyama, Fushimiinari. Two daytrips:

* Himeji. I *have* to show her this beauty of a castle. This will probably be a half-day trip, giving us some reserve time in Kyoto city.
* Iga. We’ll go by car, giving us more time there to see the castle, and the ninja and samurai places.

## Day 10 – Koyasan

We’ll visit Koyasan _probably_ by public transit, but not sure yet. Via public transit, this will be the most complex set of trips (coming and going) of the entire holiday. By car is very doable, but the way back is right in the middle of the morning rush…

We’ll go the the cemetary and the Okunoin temple, and then just relax at our temple lodging. Attent the ceremony next morning.

## Day 11, 12, 13 – Takamatsu

Again, not sure if (partly) by car or fully public transit. We’ll stay in a simple business hotel to offset the oodles of luxury we’re already getting. We’re going cycling on the two islands, and we’re visiting the Ritusrin garden and mount Yashima.

## Day 14, 15 – Oboke

We’re going by car this time. Oboke is also known as the Iya Valley, in central Shikoku. We’re staying at an onsen resort hotel, and we’re just going for a bit of an onsen trip. Of course we will also see the Yokai museum.

## Day 16, 17 – Matsuyama

Drop off the car, and travel by train to Matsuyama. We’re staying in a luxury hotel in Dogo Onsen area, and we’ll just have a relaxing stroll. Next day we’ll visit the castle and its garden, and not much else. Just relax, I guess.

## Day 18, 19, 20, 21 – Hiroshima

After taking the ferry we shall stay at a run-of-the-mill hotel, and visit the peace park & museum. I’ll offset any emotions by taking her out for okonomiyaki. Day trips on this stay:

* Cycling the Kibi Plains & visiting Bitchuu-Takahashi (Japan’s smallest castle, and one of the 12 remaining original ones)
* Visiting Fukuyama for its legendary views from the castle, and heading out to Tomonoura for the day (a quiet little fishing village, but really bloody nice)
* Miyajima (when I told her deer just walk among people, I _had_ to put this into our itinerary 😀)

## Day 22, 23, 24 – Beppu

Going by train to Beppu, and stay at a spacious hotel with rooftop onsen, right near the sea. We’ll of course go see the hells. We’ll also go to Takasakiyama (the monkey mountain) and Mt. Tsurumi by gondola. One day trip:

* By car, visiting Kisai town (for the samurai houses) and the Usa shrine.

## Day 25, 26, 27 – Kagoshima

Hotel TBD. We’ll be visiting Sakurajima and going round it by car. Or maybe rent a car on the mainland and taking it to Sakurajima, so we can keep using it when we’re done with the island. Not sure yet.

We’ll have one day to spare. We’ll probably have a slow day at and around the flower park at the southern tip of the peninsula. Not sure yet on this one.

## Day 28, 29 – Yokohama

Fly back to Haneda Airport and stay nearby, probably Yokohama. We could visit the harbour area and maybe even go to Mount Takao if time allows for it.

## Day 30 – Flight back home

Business class of course. I don’t want to put her through economy for 16 bloody hours, especially not twice 😀


Things worthy of note:

* No visit to Nagasaki. I thought long and hard about this, but it’s kind “out of the way” time-wise, and we already have enough different hotels as it is. Between Kagoshima and Nagasaki, I’m sorry to say but I really think Kagoshima is more beautiful.
* Any city that seems important is probably being skipped because it’s just a big city that doesn’t add something we aren’t already going to see elsewhere. Osaka is one of those cities. And we can’t visit everywhere. If that, we’d have to stay in Japan for a whole year 😄
* I’m trying to maximise (within reason) the variety in accomodation, and means of travel. I thought about a luxury overnight ferry back to Yokohama, but it was going WAY overbudget, and this is an expensive holiday already. We’re still travelling by ferry, so I don’t think my mum will be disappointed at all. Still, if you have suggestions, please do.

What are your thoughts? Anything I should change, add, remove? Any general advice? Anything is welcome. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. It looks like you’ll have a lot of fun. Make sure you get hotels near/ in the train stations. (Or contact the hotel to see if there is a shuttle service) Also check your reservations to make sure you’ve got enough space in each room. There are 4 star hotels with 16m^2 rooms, and they are extremely tight.

    Be aware that japanese treatment of animals and western treatment of animals has a very wide divide. The deer at miyajima and nara are fine, but most animal related exhibits in japan have absolutely medieval conditions.

    Monkey mountain and the alligator hell in beppu are particularly egregious.

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