[Zoshigaya, Toshima-ku] Father in law went out for a smoke, came back in with right side of skull broken, bleeding to brain.

This is a venting post. A bit stressed I am. All proper authorities have been notified and my father in law is now in ICU at Mejiro Hospital. But mom in law is not allowed to see him and we are waiting for news.

Two nights ago FIL was having a few drinks at home in his neighbourhood IN ZOSHIGAYA which is pretty quiet and in a good ol Ojiisan fashion, he went out for a smoke. Normal timing but came back acting weird. He fell asleep on the living room floor. Got up after an hour, started throwing up. Ambulance was called and he was taken to hospital where it was discovered he had a broken skull on his right side and bleeding to his brain. He can sort of answer questions and he knows who he is but he thinks his age is 45. Doctors are watching close but we aren’t getting much info as MIL isn’t permitted to visit. No one has a CLUE what happened. He typically gets sloshed like every other Ojiisan in Japan but has never been so out of it he’d smash his head. It’s also his house is in a very quiet spot so I can’t imagine him getting attacked. We are a bit panicking as we are worried for my
MIL. I just needed to vent, guys.
Im estranged from my own family so my FIL is my dad. 15 years I’m married to his son. I love him tons and am super worried. Only time can tell now.

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Tokyo.

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  2. Any other injuries? Could he have been knocked by a passing car/bike?

    Have you asked neighbors for any security camera footage?

  3. Could he have tripped while outside, did anyone ask him what had happened.?

    I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

  4. Ok I’m a bit confused with the age. So your father in law is 45? And you have been married to his son for 15 years? Either you married to a 15yro or he had kid at 15 🤨

  5. Yea, sounds like he fell and tried to play it off/didn’t think it was that serious. I hope everything works out!

  6. He for sure had some drinks and fell. Can’t count the amount of times I’ve heard of drunk old dudes do this.

  7. Best wishes here OP. I’m a zoshigaya resident so the idea of potential maliciousness here shocked me. He potentially fell like others said, god knows i’ve done it, but definitely see if you can get street or shop cameras any dash cams nearby to check, it can not only help for piece of mind, insurance but also doctors (though probably behond that point). Mejiro is a good hospital!🤞

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