Almost 4 months waiting of Coe

Hello everyone , I just want to share my experience on waiting of my COE( certificate of eligibility )
It was last week of July when we signed the contracts and document at the agency( by the way I am applying for a SSW ) and after that we actually dont know when did he Company passed it on immugration bureau so we assumed that they passed it by 1-2week of August since the agency told us that they send back it in Japan side July 27.
As months passed by , we are asking about the update regarding the status of the COE , but they just told us to wait patiently. as they said Maybe it will released by early october. Its november already , and we asked again , and they said that “There is no update from the immigration bureau , No followed documents, NONE at all, so they assumed that theres no problem about the application .
Fast forward today its november 23, Still no word , no news , nothing at all.

Does someone has same issue with me?
What does it mean with ” no follow up documents , or no update from the immigration regarding our documents if we have lacking or what?
What will we do with that? How long shall we wait? Why cant they release it if we dont have any problems with our documents?

  1. No news is good news for COE applications.

    Yours is taking a while, but it’s not abnormally outside of the normal processing window. I would ask the company to verify that they did indeed submit the application and if they did, then just wait some more.

  2. Oh. Mine was processed within two weeks but i was told by the vendor who forwarded it to the immigration that it might take 4-5 weeks. Submitted Nov 4th, released 18th. In 2016, my max waiting time was like 2 months.

  3. I turned my COE application in on September 7th and I just got it back November 18th, and this is best case scenario and fast for how these things normally go. Unfortunately these things take a while and it’s really nerve racking, but it’s the same with any bureaucratic process. I know it’s hard to say” just be patient”, but it really is a limbo for waiting and hoping for the best news. The office also contacted me whenever I needed to provide additional papers, but they don’t give any more updates, even if things were approved and sent out. Everyday, we played the waiting game and crossed our fingers, but there was no telling how soon it would’ve came in.

    Again, I know this isn’t necessarily helpful. But unless they contact you with any issues or it’s been well over 9 months, I would just say be patient and stay positive

  4. Someone says processing period is 6months , yes i read it elsewhere , i dont understand that they didnt even ask any documents for 3months. I assumed that certain 6 months is the processing period of the last covid situation in japan. But , tsss I just dont get it

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