Studying at a Japanese language school without a high school diploma

I know there are countless posts regarding studying in Japan (language school, university, etc). My situation and question is slightly different.

Does anyone know of language schools in Japan that will take an 19 year old that does not have a high school diploma or equivalent (GED in the US)? Most of schools I have researched explicitly state that finishing 12 years of schooling or the equivalent is a pre-requisite, but some don’t specifically mention it.

Is this a requirement the government imposes for a student visa? Or the school itself?

  1. That would be weird if they didn’t because I’m pretty sure there are options for children who haven’t even been alive for 12 years let alone have a diploma.

  2. I can’t believe they would contact your former HS to verify anything. Just don’t say you don’t have a degree, never mention it, and move on.

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