How to ask for “all toppings”?

So I’ve been studying as much as I can while juggling work and school. I’m barely N5 level I think? Anyways, I can’t find anything on this no matter how hard I search. I plan on trying this ramen stall in Tokyo when I head back there and I want to have all the toppings that’s on their menu with it.

Does this sound natural?


Is it “zenbu”? Or “subete”? Does the grammar need fixing? Any help, criticism, or guidance would be much appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Ramen places tend to use pretty colloquial ordering phrases, and there’s a whole ramen culture where certain ramen shops will have certain phrases used for ordering their 裏メニュー, etc. etc.

    I’m not a big ramen person (weak stomach and all that — I prefer drinking to filling my stomach) but I know enough about Japanese food/drink culture that I can say that safe wording in this case would be:


    What you said would probably/possibly be understandable, but it feels a bit stilted/textbooky (especially チャーシュー麺**と** is kind of weird, it makes it sound like the ramen and the toppings are two completely independent dishes rather than the former being a complement of the latter.)

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