West facing mansion. How hot will it get?

Currently living in a south facing apartment and is pretty reasonable. My bill to cool one room to 24c is reasonable this time of year.

However the mansion im moving into is West facing. Pretty worried about how hot its gonna get and if my bill will effectively double to do the same job. Anyone have experience?

  1. First of all, I would expect west facing to be better because the sun only comes to you while it’s heading towards the horizon. And secondly, this probably depends mostly on how well the other place is insulated and how well the A/C unit there does.

  2. Walk around and take a look at apartments and houses that face west. A lot of them have awnings to block the sunlight. They live in shadows for most of the year, and they’d probably still bake in summer.

  3. It’s bad, especially in summer. You might want to consider heat blocking curtains, or window glass films.

  4. I live in one. There are no tall buildings around to give shade so I get a lot of sunlight from midday to late afternoon. Surprisingly, I don’t think it’s too hot but I turn on my aircon anyway. My bill’s around 3.5k to 4k.

  5. It’s horrible if you have a clear view of the sky, even with blackout-quality curtains. Even worse if the outdoor unit of your air conditioner is located on the west side, because it’ll get roasted by the sun when it needs to perform its best.

    If you’re outside during the day it’s fine I guess, but it’s definitely not comfortable if you work from home.

    Source: Living in one and experienced the past month. If temperatures are below 32C or so it’s not that bad. Last year was fine. 35C+ is unbearable. Recorded 32C in my living room because my aircon could barely remove heat in that situation. 3pm-5pm is the worst and it slowly gets better after 6pm.

  6. Mine only went up to 42C without AC running, but the summers weren’t as hot back then.

    If you don’t come back until 9PM and leave at 7AM or so it’s still an option. Sure it will take a while to cool the room but that would be it.

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