Does the “no other jobs” policy most companies have also extend to sources of income?

For example, I have two games up on sale on Steam and I also own an online store (Sidenote for mods: >!there is nothing about either of these things in my profile so this isn’t advertisement!<). Both things are nearly fully automated but you could make the argument that they are technically jobs. Would a company with that policy ask me to take these down? Should I just not tell them if they ask? Am I better off trying to find a job that specifically lets me do external work or should I be fine? Thanks in advance.

  1. Probably. Dont tell them.
    The whole idea behind it is they want someone who is fully dependent on the company. Its why they love hiring Japanese men who are married or about to.

    My friend got turned down for a job after many rounds of interviews because they thought his girlfriend was too young for him and he wasn’t serious enough.
    Just more of that toxic working culture im afraid

  2. A company cannot “force” you to not have a second job. Meaning their policy and anything you agree to in a contract is null and void.

    Where this becomes a problem for them is in calculating your taxes/pension/NHI. But you can always go and file an amended tax return so they know nothing about the additional income. Depending on how much you make though it might become obvious when they start seeing your taxes/social responsibilities jump more than expected.

  3. First, you don’t have to tell them shit. A side hustle is none of their damn business.

    Second, no, it doesn’t apply to passive income.

  4. I was naive enough to ask my HR if I could do a “volunteer” side thing just for a couple of hours a week, which paid generously. The HR guy said as per the company policy it is not allowed.

    Then off the record, he told me that many people are involved in side jobs, and legally the company can not stop anyone from having a second job unless they can prove that it directly impacts the primary job. (sleep deprivation impacting job performance, conflict of interests by working at a competitor and so on.)

    It is a mid-to-OK-ish sized company listed in Prime category of Tokyo stock exchange with JPY 60 billion market capitalization. So, I think the law is valid for other companies as well.

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