Notice during Trial Period

I am in a hostile work environment and it is disturbing my mental health. Although the team is bad, the company is nice but I don’t have any other position open to move internally so, I have decided to resign and I have an offer in hand. I have joined this company very recently and currently I am in trial/probation period. Is it wise to resign now? I am worried if I wait more the other offer might be gone.

New company is asking for 給与所得者異動届出書 ,Employment Insurance Certificate, Tax withholding slip and Pension document and now I am worried if my company won’t give these as I am resigning during the trial period and I am not familiar with this process and I don’t know anybody in my company to talk to about this discreetly without raising any alarms. Please offer any suggestion on how to navigate this? thanks.

  1. Give notice ASAP. Check your contract and see how much notice you need to give. If they do not give you your documents, contact the labor board. You can also get most documents at your tax office if necessary.

  2. If it’s a “trial period”, doesn’t it work both ways? Aren’t you trialing them as well? Obviously it’s not a good fit, and you’re not able to work in their environment.

    Let them know ASAP, and move on.

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