So why are Japanese salaries so low?

Someone please explain like I’m 5.

  1. What’s amazing that despite the stagnation in salaries over 30 years they still keep electing the LDP. Any other country’s political party who would have had such awful economic record would have been kicked out.

  2. Most jobs in Japan for foreign people are low. Why? Because you’re easily replaceable and some other sucker will take the same job for even less money for the experience of living in Japan. They know they can get by with it. If you don’t believe me, look at almost any employment contract you have. They make you work under 30 hours because they want to save money on you. Again, selling you the experience. If you compared your typical English speaking job to a normal job using Japanese in a normal Japanese company they won’t typically do this. 90% of English speaking jobs are a scam.

  3. I worked in Japan in the 1980s and the money was great. Left in 1991 before the bubble burst and saw the collapse from back home. So many Japanese i knew lost nearly everything.

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