Looking to Dramatically Improve Beginner Speaking / Conversational Japanese in 2 Months

Hello everyone,

I have a trip to Japan booked in 2 months (Jan 28th – Feb 15) and am looking to improve my speaking / conversational Japanese skills. I have completed Genki I and 20 levels of Wanikani and am very happy with my reading comprehension, however, as a self-learner my English-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-English speaking skills are abysmal.

Instead of Going straight to Genki II, I am looking for any resources or advice to drastically improve my speaking skills over the next 2 months. I am on university break so can devote a lot of time to studying and am wondering what is the best course of action or just any advice from more experienced learners so I can enjoy my trip as much as possible with more knowledge of the language.

  1. The only way you can get better at speaking is by practicing speaking. While I’ve never used it I’ve seen a lot of people recommend a service called italki.

    Luckily, listening practice is a lot easier. If you just search through this sub a bit I’m sure you’ll be able to find a fair amount of recommendations for all levels for listening material.

  2. There are iTalki teachers who specifically have beginner speaking courses. I know a guy. DM me if you want, or find your own teacher using their search. (I don’t make money off of this).

    If you just did Genki I, you have what, 500 words or something? That’s gonna be so hard to say much with. But you should have plenty of sentence patterns to slam those 500 words into at least. And you can definitely practice outputting them.

    Besides practicing speaking, I would learn some vocab ASAP.

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