Software that creates a space between words?

Is there any software (apps, readers…) that creates a space between words so it becomes easier to read Kanji?

  1. Just learn to read normally. It’s not that hard once you get used to it

    Based on my experience with Japanese text segmentation algorithms, any software like that will probably cause more confusion than it resolves because it’ll add spaces where there shouldn’t be any (and probably miss some as well)

  2. Once you get used to grammar structure, its easier to tell the difference between the words and particles. Im at a very beginner level and at dont struggle much at all with telling where the words are when interacting with Japanese closer to my skill level bc particles almost always separate them apart anyway (also already knowing the words helps). Sometimes harder sentences with strings of kanji may appear (usually in more formal writing), and i feel thats a matter of simply learning more vocab tbh.

    I recommend against any kind of cheats or shortcuts like that, as they actually just make things even more complicated even though it doesnt seem that way. I only recommend doing things like that if its to accommodate a type of dyslexia or something similar.

  3. Reading vertically in the native orientation is much easier than reading horizontally, that is why I mostly stick to reading manga rather than internet sites.

    Once you are comfortable enough reading vertical texts it becomes much more manageable reading horizontally oriented texts. No need to use any spaces between most sites use lots of punctuation and it gets easier to separate words by “Kanji/hirahana -Space- Kanji/hiragana -Space-” in your mind. That is to say “Word/particle -space- or Verb/grammar -Space-.”

    今から 歌うこと ここ(此処)だけの 話にしておいてね。欲望は 心に 隠しておきたいの。 本当は 秘密、 秘密。  

    At least that is how I’m coping with it being confusing sometimes, might not work for everyone of course.

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