Do you offer workers something to drink in Japan?

Because there was something wrong with my apartment a worker got sent to fix it.

I was wondering if it’s okay to offer a coffee or something to drink for the hard work. In Germany that’s common practice to show appreciation. But then again we also tip in restaurants to show appreciation so I‘m kinda unsure

  1. I have tried with mixed results.

    They usually decline on the spot. Some of the workers declined until the bitter end, some took a drink (bottled) on the way out. Some helped themselves while working when I left it with them, after removing myself from their presence.

  2. My wife always prepares *sealed* bottles of tea if a worker is going to be doing anything at our apartment, especially in the summer.

    So yes, it seems to be fine and not uncommon.

  3. Where I come from it was common courtesy, but in Japan, workers don’t expect to get anything (as far as I know, which is why tipping isn’t really recieved well).

    So as long as it is offered, I think they are okay with it (drinks feel like because of the environment versus because of their work, so it feels different from money), just don’t push it on them.

  4. Like others have said, a can or bottle of something (coffee, tea, water, etc) they can take as they leave will be accepted.

  5. I once did for the movers. Gave them a can of red bull, and they looked pleased. My wife said it’s not very common in Japan tho.

  6. I offer cold bottles of water in the summer, and hot canned coffee in the winter. I’ve never had a worker refuse.

  7. As many others said: green tea or mugicha or water in a bottle: 👍 hot beverages or anything you pour in a glass, 微妙。

  8. Depends, in summer yes, I keep new bottle of water in the fridge for such cases, knowing they don’t have access to shit and it’s hot as hell outside. Just a human thing. Nothing required though

    We had some long work on a friday once and I gave the worker some cans of beer to take home and they left pretty happy about it.

  9. I’d feel bad because they never ask to use the toilet (unlike my home country) and if they drink something, sooner or later they’d have to go, right?

  10. Specially in summer, when its too hot!! Lots of drinks and some snacks, not food.

    In winter one hot drink for every 2-3 hours and snacks.

  11. Yeah we always buy bottled tea coffee and little snacks. We even did it for moving company guy who came to do an estimate lol.

  12. Can/bottles of tea or coffee, in summer a sealed ice cream. I always have some mango/strawberry whatever other flavours of those yogurt ice cream things that are eatin in like 4 bites, never had someone say no to one of those

  13. When we visited our house as it was getting built, we always brought sealed bottles of tea and coffee for the workers.

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