Tax Free Mistake

Hi, i made the mistake of buying items and availed the tax-free program even if i already have a residence card.
We were lining up for the regular line but the cashier called us. I did not notice that it was for the tax-free counter.
They confirmed our passports but did not confirm our residence status.
I was fairly new here that time (happened 3 years ago) and I was not aware that we were ineligible from the program. Now, I am scheduled to go home for vacation this year.
Will I encounter any problem at the airport? I would like to pay the tax but I don’t know how to process it. It would be impossible for me to go back to the store as I am living in another prefecture.

  1. Yer…

    in few days expect “NTA!!, OPEN UP!”

    jk jk… I doubt anything will happen if you only did it once.

  2. Bought some oakleys in yokohama once, i didn’t even have my passport and they said yeah you can have it tax free, was a nice lil discount. Only time it’s ever happened in my 14 years living here though. Maybe the cashier was a noob.

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