Yaruki switch group

Hello everyone. I’m interested in applying for Yaruki Switch Group.

However, I haven’t graduated with my bachelors degree yet. I will be graduating December 12th of this year (like 2 weeks away).

Do you think I can apply already? Should I wait until the day after I officially graduate?

Also, does anyone have contact information for Yaruki switch group? I can’t seem to find an email for them anywhere.

Your advice will be appreciated.

  1. Why did you go to university just to become a migrant worker that will be earning a wage that puts you below the poverty line?

  2. They don’t keep their contact information public because they don’t want to be contacted often, too many “pesky ex teachers wanting things” like documents for immigration or tax documents.

    Yaruki is a nightmare, the cameras in your school are not for the kids but rather psychotic managers to micromanage your behavior for a minimum wage.

  3. You can apply for sure. The degree is just needed when you apply for the visa. Just make sure that you will definitely graduate. If you’re accepted, they may ask for proof of graduation later.

    I heard they’re not bad. Just another job where you entertain kids and help them be familiarized with English. Here’s their site: [Yaruki Switch Application site](https://www.yarukiswitch.jp/recruit-lp/native/)

    And good luck! Don’t listen to the people trying to make you feel bad about it. It’s a job with little pay, but survivable. These jobs are mostly just short term like gigs, but can be fun and it’s a way to get to Japan and experience life working in a foreign country. There are plenty of resources online about living cost, taxes and everyday life things while working in Japan. Just do as much research as you can before committing!

  4. Why exactly do you want to work for Yarkui Switch? Anyone I know that has worked for one of their many schools has either quit because of a bad experience or is terribly unhappy in their job. The only upside is that they are a pretty huge company, so the chances of getting a visa for more than one year is higher that working for some other eikaiwa.

  5. I work for one of their brands now. I think your experience really depends on what brand you get and which school you go to. I wouldn’t say it’s an amazing job at all, its great to help you transition to something better, like most eikawa jobs. I got into contact with them on gaijinpot. Everyone’s always complaining that there ain’t enough teachers, I wonder why, so you should be able to get it.

  6. I’m leaving a job with them next week. They are horrible. I plan to post my experience here with how they dealt with racism, me getting COVID on the job, how they lie to you about things like your vacation pay, etc. It is not a trustworthy company and they expect you to put the job before your physical and mental health for minimum pay.

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