About to be fired, maybe. Looking for assurance, or at least what to expect.

Using a burner, sorry.

**Edit: I am sorry for not responding to everyone. I had to go into the meeting. I thought my thread had been taken down before it got posted, so I sort of just nodded to myself and figured I needed to go it alone. I’m reading all of your replies as of 8:50pm. I’ll respond to some stuff soon.**

Before we begin, I’m gonna tell you what I did to maybe get fired. I’ve already accepted it as a personal fuck up and I know I’m in the wrong, so please dont beat on my any more than I already have. Keep it constructive or keep quiet.

I work as an ALT. I went to work and I had no classes. I was feeling sick the night before but this day was worse. I told my JTE that I might go to the doctor later since I had no classes. It got to a point where I thought I had COVID, so I panicked and left work promptly to go see a doctor.

I left pretty early in the day and barely told anyone (my mistake) and my BOE texted me to ask why I left early. I told them why, and they scolded me for not telling them in advance — which is fair. I apologized and they have told me to come in today to the BOE to speak with them.

I’m going to assume this is going to be a reprimand, but this is the first time I’ve ever had an issue worth a meeting so I’m pretty scared about getting fired. As an employee, I’ve never been called into the office, and I’ve done nothing (up to this point) worth having a disciplinary meeting for.

I dunno what to say other than apologizing. I’ve heard that getting flat-out fired in Japan is difficult except in extreme cases, but I am not Japanese nor would I know the next steps if they served me my papers.

The meeting is in a few hours. What should I be prepared to say, what should I be prepared for, and what should I expect?

  1. I would’t worry. say you felt very ill and thought you might have covid so you went straight away to get tested.

  2. You had a bad fever and went home ASAP. You’re very sorry for the inconvenience. You promise it will never happen again.

    You’re not gonna get fired straight away but if you want a new contract next year you should probably show some effort from now.

  3. lmfao – dude they won’t fire creepers for creeping on students. They might reprimand you for getting caught shagging one. They’re not going to fire you for leaving early they’re just going to tell you you were a bad boy don’t do it again and maybe make you sign something saying you won’t.

  4. Uh, you won’t get fired.
    I’m also fairly certain they would have no legal grounds to fire you, even if they wanted to

  5. You’re not going to get canned for something like that.

    Say sorry for the miscommunication, first priority was on keeping students safe so wanted to make sure it wasn’t Covid…

  6. You’re not going to get fired. And if they do fire you, don’t worry, these jobs are a dime a dozen. If they can’t be human about it, screw ‘em. although I’m sure they’ll just give you a telling off, remember, they need you as much as you need them.

  7. I don’t know much about the ALT world, but are you a permanent employee? In general, the whole process of firing and replacing employees is very painful.
    Unless they already wanted to fire you for something else, this won’t do it.

  8. Are you a 1) direct hire ALT/JET or are you 2) a dispatched ALT?

    If (1) they can’t really fire you as such, they will likely demand you use your annual leave or unpaid leave (if you’re lucky and they give it for sickness “special leave”)

    So you’re pretty safe until the end of the school year. Then they are free to not renew you as direct hire ALTs/JETs are not on fixed term contracts but fiscal year appointments

    (means they don’t really have to follow contract laws for fixed term contract staff where an objectified reasons such as downsizing is required to not renew a fixed term contract. With fiscal year appoints they can just straight up not renew it at their own whim)

    If (2) then you don’t work for the board of education, you work for the shitty dispatch company. That said, shitty dispatch companies have no issues throwing their ALTs under a bus to please the demand of the board of education.

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