Live and work in Japan

I would like to know how do you survive live in Japan while not working as permanent employee?
There is possibility of working part time but work visa won’t allow to do that and getting contract job is not that easy as foreigner

  1. Marriage is the only other easy alternative I can think of.

    Hello work seems to at least have something.

  2. Be desirable in your career field.Japan doesn’t care about feelings, it cares about results. If that’s not an attainable goal, be an ESL teacher.

  3. I think it depends on your country if this option applies to you or not but the easiest way is probably a working holiday visa.

  4. If you’re a full time student you can get permission to work part time but you’re still required to attend school full time and if you skip your classes you could be deported. So it’s not exactly a loophole but it’s nice if you’re really a student. Plus you’ll get good at Japanese and/or learn a skill that you can use to get a job.

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