Advice on Honeymoon: mainly Kyoto—Naoshima—Mt. Koya—Lake Kawaguchi—Tokyo

Dates: April 9th-23rd

Looking for advice on both our itinerary and also what neighborhoods might be good to stay in for our honeymoon. Note: this list of destinations was developed thanks to the advice of people who said we shouldn’t have to pick between Naoshima and Koyasan and should fit in both, so it’s perhaps a little packed.

Interests that will guide our itinerary include art, anime/manga, gaming (him), history (more him), gardens, animals, interesting bike routes (I’d want an electric rental), music, great views.

I am rusty, but was once fluent in Japanese and have lived there. Husband knows none but is starting basics on Duolingo.
Also, I am pescatarian, so no side trips specifically for Kobe beef etc.

Day 1:
Narita 3:55
Train to Kyoto, arr. 9-10pm, collapse at hotel. I have 2 refundable bookings at a couple of well-liked central places, just so that we have an option before everything gets booked

Day 2: Kyoto list of ideas

Arashiyama (could spend most of a day there w/ Togetsukyo, Monkey Mountain, bamboo forest etc.)


Nijo Castle

Nishiki Market

Imperial Palace?

International Manga Museum




Relax/stroll along the Kamogawa (college nostalgia!)

Maybe Ninja Sweets

Cooking class would be nice

Day 3: Kyoto

side trip to Nara, eve out in Osaka (Dotonbori)

Day 4: Kyoto

side trip to Uji? (or tea ceremony elsewhere) and to Fushimi Inari Shrine

Other Kyoto things from list

Day 5: Kyoto

Other Kyoto things from list

Day 6: Early Himeji to Naoshima (afternoon).

Refundable booking at a basic place, just so that we have an option before everything gets booked. Benesse = too pricey

See Himeji Castle outside, inside, and gardens

Train to Uno port, rent bikes at Naoshima after dropping backpacks, see museums/installations until closing

Public Bath I Love Yu after dinner

Day 7: Naoshima morning/noon, stop in Kurashiki, late train to Hiroshima

More museums

Lunch in Kurashiki, wander willow canals and see Ivy Square

Bar in Hiroshima?

Day 8: Miyajima AM then Hiroshima

eat Momiji manju, see deer, Itsukushima Jinja

Peace Museum

Peace Park/Memorials, Genbaku Dome

Devour okonomiyaki (I really miss Hiroshima-style)

Day 9: Morning in Hiroshima, then midday train to Osaka & down to Koyasan Station around 4:30.

Ship bags ahead to Kawaguchiko before leaving Hiroshima

Have Buddhist dinner at temple (where?)

See Okunoin cemetery after dark


Day 10: Leave Koya mid/late morning, travel thru Osaka to Lake Kawaguchiko

Watch morning prayer

Explore Koya for another couple of hours?

Travel day, arrive at a Kawaguchi ryokan after dinner

Day 11: Kawaguchiko

Shibazakura festival at Lake Motosu


Relax in onsen w/ Mt. Fuji views

Day 12: Kawaguchiko, get back to Tokyo for late afternoon & evening out

Chureito Pagoda (for the money shot)

Kubota Itchiku Art Museum

Day 13: Tokyo 2.5 days in no order

Ghibli Museum

Any ethical animal cafe (not cats—allergies)

Tsukiji Outer Market seafood bowl brunch

Teamlab Planets

Meiji Jingu & Harajuku

Shibuya & Shibuya Sky


A park or garden

Side trip to Ashikaga wisteria? Couple hours north

Day 14: Tokyo cont’d
Other Tokyo things from list

Day 15: Tokyo cont’d. JR pass inactive. Keisei Ueno to NRT afternoon, flight 4:55

Other Tokyo things from list until ~1:30, then get bags and leave

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