Vice spreading false media of the Japanese manga industry

Vice News: Inside the Pedophilic Manga Industry in Japan – [\_channel=VICENews](

What do you guys think?

By the way, this video is locked if you are in Japan.

  1. Looks like one of their writers got caught and said, “Oh, I was just doing research for some investigative journalism!” and spun their secret into a video.

  2. I havent seen the video but in Akihabara Ive seen literal floors full of pedophilic manga and animes so I guess thats what he is refering to.

  3. I watched the video, and I couldn’t really find the reason people are upset by it. Pedophilic manga isn’t sold in every store, but it is relatively common and easy to find if you look for it.

    I can’t imagine any normal person who doesn’t have pedophilic urges being interested in that, so I’m guessing pedophiles are actually the main audience, which is more or less what the video is saying.

  4. I think it’s true. There’s a lot of paedophilic tendencies in Japan for young girls.

    It should be stopped. They shouldn’t have to be viewed in a sexual light at such young ages. It’s very distrubinf

  5. Manga artist who thought the 2014 anti-child pornography law was limiting his freedom of speech was just elected to the Diet in the last election.

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