Need advice on tree maintenance

Hi all,

I bought a new house a couple years ago. The architects put a small momiji tree in the back, and two small (at the time) Himalayan ashes near the parking.

Now, two years later, the three trees have grown a lot, especially the two ashes. I don’t have experience owning trees, so I’m wondering what maintenance they require (as in trimming), and how often. Should I call a 便利屋さん to come and trim them from time to time?

Also, I’m worried that if the two ashes keep growing at this rate, after a few years the roots may damage the building or the driveway. What’s your opinion?

For reference, these are the photos from two years ago and now:







Thanks in advance,

  1. For the maple, I’d defer to youtube–you can probably find something on it there.

    For the ash, I’d just go for it, and it looks pretty out of control in the ‘after’ pic (very genki!). Good pruning clippers will make cutting easier, expect to pay ~¥4000 or so (I’m not sure how hard/tough ash is). It doesn’t look like the kind of tree (bush) that will hurt your driveway, and it’s far enough away, IMO.

  2. While they don’t get too big, Himalayan Ash are considered to have invasive roots that can be a danger to pipes and foundations. In the US you would call a certified arborist to evaluate it, I don’t know what the equivalent is in Japan. It is tough when you have a reliable tree growing in the wrong spot!

  3. I would call a gardener and have him trim them professionally. Then spy on him, how he does it and – with a little help of the university of YouTube – do them yourself next time round. I have learned quite a few skills this way, and it pays.

  4. Grab a saw and a ladder from the home center and start sawing away. Check your local trash place is you can throw the branches and leaves in the regular trash.

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