Japanese Domestic Router To Use W/ JPNE Fixed IP Address

Hello all,

I have given up trying to use Japan’s IPv6 Technology with Opensense/Ubiquiti/Etc. I want to buy a Japanese Domestic Router that supports JPNE Fixed IP Address by default. I checked their list of compatible devices [here](https://www.jpne.co.jp/service/v6plus-static/#settei) and basically made a list of what seems to be decent based on their reviews on Amazon but what to see what others thing here.

1. [Elecom WRC-1167GS2-B](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Elecom-WRC-1167GS2-B-Wireless-Router-Compatible/dp/B07YLSRV7Z)
2. [Elecom WRC-2533GS2-B](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/WRC-2533GS2-B-Wireless-Compatible-Japanese-Manufacturer/dp/B07YLS4K63)
3. [Elecom WRC-2533GS2V-B](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/WRC-2533GS2V-B-Wireless-Compatible-Included-Supervised/dp/B09PQB19TF)
4. [Elecom WRC-G01-W](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/WRC-G01-W-Wireless-Compatible-Equipped-Supervision/dp/B09HMS3XVY)
5. [I-O Data WN-DAX1800GR/E](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/WN-DAX1800GR-Wireless-Manufacturer-Chromebook-Compatible/dp/B089KLTSXL)
6. [I-O Data WN-TX4266GR/E](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/WN-TX4266GR-Guarantee-Manufacturer-Compatible-Chromebook/dp/B084K3782M)

There are no buffalo router’s/linksys/netgear/etc here because they’re not listed on the JPNE as being compatible with the IPv6 V6 Plus fixed IP service. I don’t intend to use any of these router’s Wireless Capabilities I just want to use them for routing/firewall purposes only.

Anyone here using one of these routers and had good experiences with it?

1 comment
  1. You should *really* consider using a yamaha router, like RTX810/830/NVR. Especially if you have existing wireless access points. All the stuff you linked above is just consumer junk with web-UI and minimal configuration flexibility. the CLI on yamaha stuff is gorgeous.

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