Bonus deductions due to taking vacation leaves

Hello. Using a throwaway account. I saw the other post about vacations leaves and I’m currently experiencing something similar. Need some advice and I also want to know if what my company told me is legal.

April this year I applied for a 13-day leave so I can finally visit my home country after 3 years. I applied 7 days before the winter holidays and 8 days after the winter holidays.

At first the company told me my request was denied because there were already a lot of people taking leaves during those days and no one is available to cover. I told them I already booked a plane ticket and they actually got pissed and called me over for a talk.

I told them I really want to go home for the holidays so I told them I’ll quit instead because my family is more important than my job. They said they can’t afford to let me quit so they’ll allow me to take the days off BUT they will deduct 5,000 yen from my bonus for every day that I’m off and they will also give me a written warning that “will stay on my record”. I just told them it’s fine with me because I’m planning to leave anyway, mostly because of this incident.

If this is illegal I’m actually planning to report them before I leave. Hope you can give me some advice.

Thank you.

1 comment
  1. Wait so you bought your plane ticket for a vacation home before getting the approval for the days off ?

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