Annie Global Education interview


I’m going to have a zoom interview with Annie and I was wondering what the interview is like. What sort of questions do they ask?

  1. Here are some general ESL teacher interview questions/answers (not necessarily specific to your company):





  2. A few months ago i got to interview but I didn’t make it as they said someone beat me out. From what I discussed and saw on the website it’s not a bad place as they give you a car, rent, and support. It’s not the best pay but seems solid for us noobs that are starting out. You get to work with kids too. I would have taken it if i had gotten an offer.

    It’s just a standard interview with 2 people, a strong TEFL teacher that probably is the director and the owner who sits on the side. The guy i talked to rephrased some stuff that helped me a lot for some future interviews, so it was a helpful exp at least taking the interview!

    There is a lot of competition for these jobs btw as that website says about 100 people applied for most of the posts that i’ve applied for. if you dont make it, look at it as EXP that you will put towards future interviews. best of luck!

  3. They will ask you to outline your personal teaching philosophy with reference to current theories in language acquisition. Then they will ask you whether you agree with Krashen’s input hypothesis, and how far; or if you agree with Swain’s criticism of Krashen, and how far you agree with her output hypothesis. Next, they will ask if you believe focus on form is a better approach than focus on forms, and ask you how you balance the two in your classes. Finally, they will question you on your position regarding explicit and implicit grammar teaching, from the Krashen influenced no-interface position to the grammar orientated strong-interface position, and then on whether you agree with the ELF perspective on grammar teaching.

    Nah, just kidding – as long as you don’t drool on yourself you’ll be okay.

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