Best Approach for Learning Japanese via Video Games

皆さん、こんにちは!I’ve recently been trying to learn and study/immerse in Japanese via video games. I found out about this way of studying from Matt from Game Gengo and have been really enjoying it and I can notice my Japanese improving too! However, I changed Matt’s method from just playing the game, with breaking down the sentences, possibly with a game script, to (my method) of playing the game (usually without a game script), but using Game2Text to make flashcards of nearly every word that’s being said in the story. But this means that it takes me SO much longer to get through a game because I have a massive backlog of cards on Anki, the cards double, or more the time it takes to get through a bit of text and it’s been taking up a HUGE amount of time to review these cards, when I do just want to play through the game, for example I have about 8 hours in Dragon Quest, but because I’m creating cards it takes way longer than it should’ve. Obviously, since I’m still a beginner at Japanese I don’t expect to be zipping through games, or anything, but I spend a lot more time making the flashcards than I do actually playing the games and I’m wondering if this is actually the best approach for learning Japanese via video games/ acquiring new words, or if I should just use Matt’s method of just going through a game and if I see the word enough, I’ll eventually learn the meaning and I would expect there to be a lot of overlap between games since I’ve already got about 4 games in Japanese and a lot of the words are in other decks. I’ll finish the Anki decks I’ve made so far but just wondering if I should keep making flashcards or just play games, have more fun and pick up a decent few words along the way?

Let me know how you guys do it, that’d be great, or how you’d recommend I go about learning Japanese through video games as I truly love learning this language through video games and it’s definitely the most fun way I’ve seen, but just wondering what the best way to go about it is.

1 comment
  1. I’d say barrel through a basic text book of grammar first. You’ll really want some grammar skills to make this go a lot faster. I also never find myself being able to make a satisfactory grammar flash card. They’re too nuanced to review well that way.

    Then make sure you’re only making cards you really need. Simple words like yes, no, enter, attack, etc don’t need cards. However rare use and complex words do. For instance I played Pokémon Violet. I didn’t make cards for any weird Pokémon words, but I did make a cards for a word relating to student admission into school.

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