Japan: What’s behind Okinawans’ falling life expectancy? | An influx of foreign influences, ranging from fast food to less exercise, the stress of modern life, as well as a loss of the traditional sense of “ikegami” in younger people are all to blame.

Japan: What’s behind Okinawans’ falling life expectancy? | An influx of foreign influences, ranging from fast food to less exercise, the stress of modern life, as well as a loss of the traditional sense of “ikegami” in younger people are all to blame.


  1. I was worried for a second that people might be forced to come up with a solution that addressed the historic oppression of a colonised minority. But nope, fortunately it’s just McDonalds and young people not “ikegami”ing hard enough.

  2. Not being pissed off at everything that happens might also increase life expectancy.

  3. They have A&W in Okinawa too. Those are pretty fattening burgers and fries. Plus root beer is jam-packed with sugar.

  4. Um, has nobody factored in the WWII bottleneck? Anyone who survived that in their youth was going to survive a lot.

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