Does any place do medium / rare burgers well?

Most of the burger places I’ve been to have had pretty good toppings on the burger, but the patty itself was a flavorless over-cooked hunk of meat.

The burgers managed to be good despite that, but I’d ideally want a place where the meat itself is the draw. Kua’Aina, Gusto, and some local places have all had decent burgers, but the beef was the worst part of all of ‘em. Does anyone have any recommendations?

  1. I don’t think you can get burgers done by the customers temperature choice here. In a lot of countries, burgers are not allowed to be cooked anything under medium well.

  2. Munch’s burger place is sort of not well done, though I wouldn’t call it medium rare. It’s not really ground beef, its kind of like “shredded beef?”

  3. The issue is many places like the ones you listed use a mixture of beef and pork minced meat(which has to be fully cooked). You got to make sure you are getting 100% beef.

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