Itnerary: First Time in Japan 1 Month // Tokyo, Hiroshima, Okayama, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Hakone/Izu/Yamanashi, Tokyo

Hello Everyone,

Some Time ago I asked for advice for travelling in Japan. Now I have a more detailed, but still rough itinerary. I am generally interested in hearing your opinions, of whether certain points are worth it or not, or to hear other activities/places you remember fondly.

I did not plan this out fully, as I will need a day for rest/laundry/etc, every now and then and I hate planning each day through completely. So this is more a list of things to do in each area, rather than a detailed plan and they are in no particular order. I have, however, marked different priorities in Brackets behind the activities to indicate their importance to me. (1) > (2) > (none)


**Sun 4th December:**

* Arrival in Haneda, Travel to Hotel in Nihonbashi
* adjust to timezone, maybe walk around the city a bit.

**Mon 5th to Fri 9th December: Tokyo**

* Asakusa / Sensoji Temple (1)
* Shibuya & Shinjuku (1)
* Visit Metropolitan Area Outer Discharge Channel (Saitama) (2)
* Day Trip Chiba / Mt. Nokogiri (2)
* Hiking Mt Takao / Mt. Mitake

**Sat 10th / Sun 11th December:**

* Reserved for Short weekend trip with a friend currently living in Tokyo

**Mon 12th to Wed 14th December: Hiroshima**

* Travel to Hiroshima on 12th, walk around town
* Miyajima Isle (1)- Peace Park & Museum, Hiroshima Castle (2)
* Visit Yamato Museum in Kure, (additional Ideas here?) (2)

**Thu 15th to Sun 18th December: Okayama**

* Okayama Castle & Korakuen (1)
* Shodoshima Isle and/or one of the other Isles in Seta Sea (1)
* Trip to Himeji & Bizen (2)
* Day Trip to Kagawa Prefekture / Takamastu City (Ritsurin Garden?)

**Mon 19th to Sat 24th December: Osaka / Kyoto / Nara**

* Mon Travel to Osaka or Kyoto (probably stay in Ryokan in Kyoto and do day trips from there)
* Kiyomizudera, Kinkakuji / Ginkakuji, Fushimi Inari Taisha (1)
* Nijo Castle, Imperial Palace (2)
* Day Trip Osaka Kaiyukan Aquarium, Dotonbori, Osaka Castle (1)- Day Trip Nara Temples & Garden (1)

**Sun 25th to Tue 27th December: Nagoya**

* Sun Travel to Nagoya, walk around town
* Toyota Museum, Museum of Natural Sciences (1)
* Nagoya & Kiyosu Castle (2)
* Day Trip Inland (Gero / Hida / Takayama?)

**Wed 28th Deember to 1st January: Hakone & Izu or Yamanashi**

* Wed Travel to Hakone (Stop in Shizuoka or Hamamatsu for Lunch?
* Lake Ashinoto, Hakone Shrine, Hot Springs (1)
* Day Trip to Minobu / Kofu / Inland Yamanashi or to Fuji Lakes? (2)
* Day Trip around Izu Peninsula? (2)
* Settle in somewhere for new years eve / Hatsumode & Hatsuhinode- Rest day on 1st Jan

**Mon 2nd to Wed 4th January: Tokyo**

* Mon Travel back to Tokyo, National Museum?
* Day Trip to Enoshima / Kamakura (2)
* Shopping for Souvenirs, Clothes,.. (1)

**Thu 5th January: Return to Haneda and Fly back.**


**Some Final notes:**

* My Friend in Tokyo will leave Japan for Christmas and New Years Eve, so I start out my travel there for a chance to meet up. Will try to meet 1-3 Nights for dinner/activities, so don’t want to overload my days in Tokyo.
* I have booked the Hotels for now up until Okayama (check out Mon. 19th December), so the dates afterwards are still flexible.
* If any of you know of a good “basecamp” from where I can do the trips around Izu / Yamanashi, and a good place around that area to stay around new year, I would appreciate any recommendations! I am also still considering scrapping one of these two areas, and exploring the other a bit more.
* I want to experience not only city, but also a bit of rural Japan, even though it might not be that interesting. So any advice on where or how to approach this best is appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your replies and advice!

EDIT: Post formatting

1 comment
  1. Most 3*+ hotels will have laundry facilities inside. Check their websites (with Google translate) to find out. Use Google translate to find out the unique bits for the machines in your hotel as every one is somewhat unique for the instructions.

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