What are your departure dates?

I think it got lost in another post, but what are the new dates since they’ve been moved around? I received notice that my departure date was August 14th by my consulate, and then when I received my placement it was moved again to August 21st. Hoping for a normal-ish orientation season!

  1. London’s is still up in the air, between August 20th and 27th because of what’s being sited as flight delays

  2. London consulate are departing on the 20th and 27th of August. I think we drew the short straw. No clue how orientation or settling into placements is going to work.

  3. Different but related question, are we going to be paid for the full month of August regardless of when we arrive?

  4. Edinburgh consulate – leaving 13th August for a 14th August arrival in Tokyo

  5. Caribbean tentatively August 21st to reach into Japan so maybe August 20th?

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