Seeking Advice – Travelling with Baby – Restaurant/Transportation/General

Kindly seeking advice on queries below and welcome general advice travelling with a baby. Have read through a lot of the old posts on babies but many do not go into detail on specifics.

For context will be 5th time to Japan for the 2023 Sakura season but first time with our by then 8 month old. Will be a full 1.5 month travel mostly in Tokyo and Kyoto/Yoshino with 9 days in Kusatsu/Shima onsen to finish things off. The trip can be done in 3 weeks if just myself and wife – the 1.5 months essentially allows double the time to take things slow and factor off days with baby. We will have a baby carrier, travel stroller and staying in Airbnbs during Tokyo & Kyoto/Yoshino. First few days are planned for baby goods shopping. We enjoy our sit down food at sushi/ramen/yakuniku places but presume will not be much of it with a baby. Baby I would say is on the more well behaved side (at least for now 4 months in).


1. Etiquette of taking taxi with a baby? i.e okay with no baby seat?
2. Anything to be aware of with baby on trains and Shinkansen?
3. Family friendly restaurant chain recommendations?
4. Sushi train chain recommendations?
5. Yakiniku options Tokyo/Kyoto – One thing we cannot forgo is yakiniku/wagyu but again don’t want to disturb with a crying kid.
6. All dinner (outside of Ryokans) will essentially be combinii & supermarkets bentos as baby will sleep around 6- 8pm Japan time – Are there any better options I’ve missed? Uber eats?
7. To beat rush hour on trains (Tokyo) should we move before 7am or after 9am?
8. Ease of and how to find parent rooms outside of department stores and train stations? – Especially in Kyoto Higashiyama & Arashiyama locales?
9. Any thing glaringly obvious I have missed or not thought of???

Welcome general tips from those who have travelled with babies.

1 comment
  1. 1. Taxis are exempt from the regulations regarding infant/baby car seats.
    2. They must be seated on parent’s lap.
    3. Coco’s, Jonathan’s, Saizeriya, Gusto are safe bets.
    4. I would discourage you from going to the sushi train restaurant with a baby in tow.
    5. Jojoen chain may work.
    6. Since some of the restaurants started to do take aways during Covid – your options will be somewhat less limiting.
    7. For sightseeing inside Tokyo: after 9:30-10 am. For sightseeing outside Tokyo that’s further afield than Yokohama/Omiya: before 7:30 am.
    8. Not good.

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