Any SRS Decs/Apps That Teach Grammer with the Vocab while Learning for JLPT N5

Hi all, I’m looking for something similar to this TaeKim Ankiweb deck:


Essentially I’m hoping to find something that really adds the grammer in. I find learning Japanese I can kind of just grind the vocab but I can’t understand anything without the grammer. The issue with grammer is I don’t find it “hard” to learn which means I understand it but it comes in one ear and out the other (essentially I forgot it as quickly as I remember it esp if I don’t over use it, I have a similar issue being told what a “noun” is in English for example, looking it up its like “ohhh yeah okay easy”, but then poof forgot).

So I’m really hoping to get something with that grammer in there.

The issue is I’ve seen nice N+1 decks, but as I don’t know what grammer its using I’m worried I won’t realise and look it up, like I know when it adds a particle it might be fine, but sometimes it might be just the way its used thats different.

Preferably N5 level tbh, the TaeKim kind of does what I’m looking for, but having an N5 level just gives me an easier goal and understanding of what grammer points I need and I just really like learning towards JLPT levels, sorta works for me.

Any recs? Thanks!

1 comment

    You’re welcome 😉

    You can even set it so that it syncs the grammar to whatever textbook/resource you’re using (including Tae Kim), or have it go by JLPT level.

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