how to boost TV signal to the rest of the house?

as we were preparing to move into a new home, the construction folks wired up each room with ethernet and coax, all terminating back at the living room tv area. I picked up one of these [\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1]( and tested it just sitting in on the living room floor of our old place and it picked up the 6 or so channels my wife cared about so I thought I was done.

Now in the new place, I hooked it up to the central run and it worked fairly well on the living room tv depending on exactly where I positioned it tucked up in a soffit above the tv. But the other two tvs in the house couldn’t get any signal at all. The primary tv signal also seemed to degrade a bit when I put an extra 2 meters of cable inbetween the antenna and main feeder cable.

So I picked up one of these [\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1]( and popped it in next to the antenna and now the main tv picks up all channels without issue regardless of antenna placement. But still not getting anything on the downstairs tv. I’m not quite clear on how these boosters work – do I need to be getting one per tv and placing them closer to the tv in the chain, or should one do the trick? There’s only about 6-8 meters between the main tv area and the downstairs one, but who knows how much cable they shoved into the walls in between.

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. all detached houses I ever seen use an outdoor antenna, which would have an outdoor booster + aerial and then be split with 1:X splitters to cover the rest of the building. The splitter(s) may be in a closet somewhere accessible, or may be in the walls. You should ask your builder/electrician for the diagram of how TV is wired. You should not need any boosters or weird stuff. The splitters you have installed may be one-way, so that in case of ex. 1:4 split, input is 1, and 4 outputs, and producing a signal on any of the 4 outputs will not propagate them to the rest of the ports. This is what i have in my house, and when I tested the signal becomes attenuated like -40dB or so when ‘reverse’ supplied from one of the output ports.

    tl;dr ask your electrician or whoever built the house for details. you’ll need to feed antenna into one main input somewhere.

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