What to Expect for JLPT Test

Hi all, next weekend will be my first time taking the JLPT test (N3). For those of you who have taken the test before, I had a few questions:

1) How early should I arrive at the venue?
2) I’ve read one source to bring a non-beeping wrist watch. I assume this differs depending on venue, but has anyone had an instance where there was no clock in the exam room?
3) Are bathroom breaks allowed?
4) Is printing the voucher absolutely necessary or can I just have it on my phone? I don’t have easy access to a printer which is why I’m asking.
5) Is there a break between sections?


  1. You won’t be allowed to enter the rooms until closer to test time, but arrive about 30 minutes before hand.

    No noise making devices. A regular old-school write watch with hands is allowed.

    You’ll be escorted to and from the restroom, or go before the test and during the break.

    I’d print it, if you can.

    There is a break.

  2. It’s been a few years since I took the N5 and I forget the deal for 3 and 5. For 1, leave enough time to make it in the registration window even if everything goes wrong (bad weather, traffic, getting lost finding the right room, lineup especially if it’s a busy location, etc.) For 2, in my city, the test takes place in a campus classroom so there’s always a clock. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t make a clock available, or at the very least put up 10- and 5-minute warnings. For 4, I’d say print it if you possibly can – I imagine different venues might differ in how strictly they enforce the rules, but it DOES say it needs to be printed, and it would be a shame to be barred from taking it because you didn’t print the voucher.

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