Is it unhealthy to drink Amacha (甘茶) every day?

I came across this herbal tea by complete accident (not even in Japan but in some random tea shop back home!) and I love it. It’s becoming my go-to evening tea. I drink a large pot of the stuff each night.

It contains phyllodulcin, a natural sweetener. I like the taste.

In any case, I couldn’t find any research on adverse health effects of phyllodulcin when taken in larger-than-normal quantities. I found some scientific evidence indicating that it’s actually beneficial in some ways (DOIs 10.3390/nu9101049 and 10.1034/j.1600-0773.2002.900209.x) but nothing negative.

Given that “normal” people drink this tea only on occasion (traditionally on a single day in April), I wonder if phyllodulcin could be harmful like other sweeteners if taken in large quantities.

Anyone ever heard any urban myths or some お祖母さん’s wisdom that you shouldn’t drink Amacha every day?

Guess I’ll find out?

1 comment
  1. The one concern I have for tea is tea has very high oxalate content and oxalic acid aid in the forming of kidney stones. I know many relatives and people who have kidney stones and drink more tea than water too

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