No turkeys this Christmas?

We usually get ours from The Meat Guy but every sized turkey on there says “sold out” atm. I’m pretty sure I buy from there around this time every year so it had me wondering what others on here do for their Christmas dinner? I know some people that get turkeys from American army bases but I think you need to “know someone” to get in. Failing that I have no idea. Costoco?

I know it’s a thing back in The UK right now as well. A load culled due to bird flu and such.

  1. We get ours at Niku no Hanamasa. Haven’t bought one yet this year though so I can’t comment on availability.

  2. Bird flu epidemics hitting many countries will hit availability. Might as well look into alternatives.

  3. > No turkeys this Christmas?… I know it’s a thing back in The UK right now

    Off topic, but I thought Christmas turkey was a completely North American thing and that the UK did almost exclusively Christmas hams.

  4. Do you have a Brazilian rotisserie chicken restaurant near you?
    I’ve seen them branch out into turkeys at Xmas time.

  5. It’s always been hit and miss for us ordering a turkey from The Meat Guy. Some years he has them and some years he’s sold out. We’ve ordered a Christmas ham a few times when we couldn’t get a turkey. We’re planning a trip to Costco soon for this year’s holiday meal. If they don’t have turkey we’ll get that traditional Japanese Christmas delicacy, whole roasted chicken.

  6. Costco has (or had) turkeys pretty much all year around. They’re in the frozen foods section. They used to have 2 sizes, fits in Japanese oven and OMFG THAT’S A SMALL COW NOT A BIRD!!! (think 4-8lbs and 15-20lbs)

    That being said I haven’t actually been in a Costco for several months so I have no first hand experience with what’s actually there now. I heard they didn’t have pumpkin pie this year though so some things might be in short supply.

  7. Amazon seems to have plenty, some of which are suspiciously cheap (some expensive). Some of which are tiny, also though.

    If you have the balls to wait until the last second, Aeon usually sells whole frozen turkeys a few days before, and nobody seems to buy them as they’re hidden in the frozen section.

    Maybe I shouldn’ have mentioned this . . .

  8. Yup no turkey for Christmas, you’re supposed to have a proper ham!

    We buy ours from a pig farm somewhere around Fukuoka, they’ll send it chilled 🙂

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