Re-applying for Eikawa? ECC specifically…

I got an offer from ECC and I am thrilled to get the chance to work in Japan.

However, I am also an alternate for JET…

I was contacted by my consulate yesterday…

If I do JET and basically reject the ECC offer, I wonder if I can reapply once JET is over?

Because I want to teach in Japan long term if I can. So does ECC rehire if you’ve turned them down?

Because everything I read on here makes me think I have to take the JET offer as it is the better option. But ECC gave me an offer first. I don’t have a placement yet though. I don’t want to burn my bridges…

Thank you for any advice or anyone who has any knowledge on ECC for this.

  1. JET will probably be way better but I don’t know how long you can stay on the program. ECC would be indefinite.

    I turned down an offer from Shane once, and then contacted them about 2 years later and they were happy to hire me. It seems like once you’re green lighted they keep that record and are happy to have someone they don’t have to interview again.

  2. Go JET first. As a former JET, I can guarantee an Eikawa like ECC or GABA will be more than happy to have an ex-JET on staff.

  3. JET is one of the best entry options for people who want to teach in Japan. If you have to pick between ECC and JET, always pick JET.

  4. I would do JET over ECC. Hours and pay will almost certainly be better. (I did JET in Kyoto.) If you want to change from JET to eikaiwa or international school, you’ll need to change visa type, but it’s fairly painless.

    If you like working with younger kids, JET to international school is usually a nicer transition than into eikaiwa. The hours are better.

  5. Do you know what the chances are to be selected to participate in JET if you’re an alternate? (I’m about to graduate and just applied for JET, so I’m also looking at what options there are.) As everyone’s already stated, JET seems like the better option, but of course not all of us can just put our lives on hold on the off-chance (?) we get picked while listed as an alternate.

    But, if there is a good chance for alternates going over there, I probably would hold out for JET if that’s an option for you.

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