Japanese Writing Practice (Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!)





  1. 2 years and you’re 14 currently… damn you got it going in your life. I also started 2 years ago and i am no where as good as you. Keep going! 頑張って!

  2. I am pretty sure 「たまの文章を読んだりしていたしかありません」is has an error. Whenever you use しか。。。ない with a verb it should be しか。。。negative form of verb, like 文章しか読まない。

    If I am wrong someone please correct me!

    Great writing nonetheless!

  3. I am kind of bored today so I’m going to go through the whole thing. I’ll do a section addressing actual mistakes in grammar or word usage, and then go over unnatural phrasing.

    I assuming you are trying to say occasionally/sometimes read which would be たまに not の.

    ~しか~ will link whatever comes before and after so because you don’t say ‘していたありません’ it would be 〜しかしていません。

    Full correct sentence 「ただアニメを見たり、たまに文章を読んだりしかしていません。」You may want to say「しませんでした」but as this is talking about what you have done and not what you did (ie I have just watched anime and read sometimes.) it is more natural to say していません。

    「最近勉強がよくしていなかったので」Firstly the particular would be を if you want to use a particle as the verb is 勉強をする. Secondly in Japanese よく is only used with actions you did do, not those you didn’t. In this case it would be あまり/あんまり.

    Full correct sentence「最近勉強をあんまりしていなかったので」

    「言葉が翻訳しても」→「言葉を翻訳しても」The words are the ones having the action done to them, not the ones doing the action so it will be を.

    「晴れますか。」→「晴れですか。」You could also say「晴れていますか?」but since you follow it with 曇りですか, it would be best to use its direct counterpart. 「晴れますか」would mean, ‘Will it clear up?’ Implying that it is cloudy now. Based on the context I assume you meant to ask if it was good weather (clear/sunny).

    「僕のほうが…」this will be「僕のほうは…」if the particle is が it means that ぼく is better/more of something in comparison to another. Based on the following sentence it seems like you’re trying to say ‘where I am’ in which case it will be は.

    「空気が寒くて」this is probably annoying but it would be「空気が冷たい」because you are feeling the air on your skin. You could also change the whole sentence to「外は朝から寒くて」in which case 寒い would be fine.

    「口で最高の味が生み出します」you either need to change the particle or reconjugate in this phrase. Could be either「口で最高の味を生み出します」or「口で最高の味が生み出されます」。The second is probably better based on the preceding phrase.

    「今は夏休みけど」→「今は夏休みだけど」after a noun you will generally need だ to use けど.

    「2年間前に」→「2年前に」we don’t use 間 when we’re referring to a point in time, only when we’re referring to a period of time. So 2年間 means a period of 2 years, whereas 2年 simply means two years so if you’re saying 2 years ago it will be 2年前.

    「日本語でぺらぺらとなる」→「日本語がペラペラになる」this is a confusing one but we use ペラペラ as the sound of words coming quickly and smoothly out of someone’s mouth and we use it to describe the sound and not the actual speaker. So in this case it would be that the Japanese is becoming perapera which means が and に.

    「思いたいなのに」→「思いたいのに」at the end of a verb, even conjugated, you generally will not need な.

    「頑張て」→「頑張って」possible just a typo but I’ll throw it in!

    「読んでくれることがありがとうございました」→「読んでくれてありがとうございました」When you want to thank someone for an action it is 〜してくれてありがとうございました.

    Your final sentence is also incorrect, but I’m not sure what you were trying to say so I don’t know exactly how to fix it. ‘It took longer than I thought to write, so I hope you notice it.’ Maybe this is what you meant? It would be「気になっていた欲しいです」→「気にかけて欲しいです」.

    You are so young and already so good at Japanese! I am very very impressed! You have a great mind that will soak up language like a sponge if you stick with it so I hope that your continued study brings you everything you’re looking for. Congratulations on great learning even just on your own.

  4. A few mistakes in nuance of words that would make it hard for a Japanese person who doesn’t speak English to understand:
    おすすめ→指摘(してき)I think you mean to say ‘If you have any suggestions’ as one would say in English, but we do not use this word in context to education or learning. おすすめ is for leisure such as restaurants, food, movies, books, travel destinations, etc. 指摘 is basically to indicate, more or less used like ‘corrections’ would be in English but without the implication that there is absolute correct and incorrect answers.

    翻訳しても→調べても(しらべても)The way you used ‘translate’ in this sentence to mean ‘look up’ would not be clear in a direct translation. In Japanese person’s mind we would think ‘this whole thing is translated so what to do you mean ‘some translation.’ To specifically say you only looked up some words but thought of it mostly yourself the word 調べる would be correct.

    興奮しています→楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています This is a very common mistake for Japanese learners who speak any language, but 興奮 does not mean ‘excited’ as in ‘looking forward to.’ 興奮 can refer to any heightened emotional state meaning you can be 興奮 as in very nervous, extremely sad or angry, etc. I think you meant to say ‘I am nervous, but excited’ so in this case it would be 楽しみ as you are contrasting the negative emotion of nervousness with the positive emotion of being excited to learn. 興奮 is not negative or positive so it would not contrast 緊張.

    多数の年間 → 何年も(なんねんも)I believe you intended to say you would like to think you have made great strides in these two years but know you still have many years ahead of you. We probably wouldn’t say something like this, more in the vein of ‘still have a lot to learn’ but if you were going to say something will take many more years it would be「まだ何年もかかると知っています」In regards to time 何○も is how you say many (period of time) 何日も→many days 何時間も→many hours etc. かかる is to ‘require’ said amount of time ‘何年もかかる’ would mean ‘require many years.’ As your overall point is that your studying will still take time, it will make the point more clear than 何年もある.

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