Anki Cards Splitting Vocab’s Kanji

I recently started making my own anki sentence cards and i’ve run into a slight “problem” with how it displays my cards – i have a sentence on the front that will read like this:



i’m not sure if reddit will accurately show this, but the first line of the example sentence ends right in between a vocab. in this example, it splits 時間 onto two separate lines like this:

now, i’m already very familiar with the word 時間, however there are very new words on other cards that give me the same issue, and i worry that this makes reading more difficult than it need be.

so my question is, is there some sort of add-on or magic that can fix this awkward spacing issue? or should i simply manually edit each card individually to fix it?

thank you 🙂

  1. More difficult, yes. But in my experience, words in naturally occurring sentences seem to often be split on two lines, so you could consider it useful practice, too.

  2. Are you sure that isn’t a normal line break? Japanese typesetting algorithms (and IRL typesetting as well) generally don’t care about word boundaries

    What does the source code of a field that has the issue look like?

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