Meaning of いずこともなく


I am still pretty new to learning Japanese. I largely still focus on learning kana and vocabulary. I recently started to play Dragon Quest 1 on the NES in order to help my hiragana memorization and maybe see if I can’t get a bit more of a feel by translating the texts using dictionaries and other resources. While this may not be the fastest way of learning, I have definitely been having a blast, so I don’t mind at all.

Anyways, while the first couple sentences went by with surprisingly little effort, I have got myself stuck on just a couple of things. The first would be the appearance of the term “いずこともなく”. After investigating it a while longer, I found that this seems to either be archaic or at least uncommon and that “どこともなく” might be the more common way of saying and writing this. It seems to mean something like “somehow” or “out of nowhere”. I can’t seem to really be able to pick it apart further than this, even though it feels like a composite of some kind. The jisho dictionary calls it an adverb and portrays it as practically an entire word, it seems. Is there a point in me trying to understand the parts of this term or should I Just accept it as the word that means “somehow”?

In case it is relevant, here is the entire sentence in which the word appears:

しかし いずこともなくあらわれた

あくまのけしん りゅうおうが

そのたまを やみにとざしたのじゃ


Furthermore, I have stumbled upon the term “さずかり”. Some work with the dictionary in addition to consulting a translator led me to believe that this means “to be awarded” and it does make sense in the context. Yet, the dictionary I am using merely has the form “さずかる” for that. What does the “り” mean in this case? Is it a type of conjugation?

Once again, this is the full sentence that this appears in:

その むかし ゆうしゃロトが

カミから ひかりのたまをさずかり



I know I am asking quite a lot at once, especially for being very knew to learning this language myself. The fact that so far these are the only things I couldn’t make sense of makes me quite motivated to keep this up, since I feel far more confident in my hiragana memorization ever since I started.

Thanks for reading and I’d love any advice.


PS: I tagged it as a vocab question, though I believe that part of it also is a Grammar question. I hope this isn’t too much of a problem.

1 comment
  1. いずこ is the same as どこ, its less common yes but not archaic, for example ive heard it in the anime fruits basket.

    とご/とも/ なく

    You can divide it into these parts. とも is the particle と and the particle も

    授かり is the 連用形 of the verb 授かる, its the same meaning as て form here basically, but more formal/traditional

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