Will an unaccredited college diploma count?

Before you jump down my throat, I was really stupid and desperate and didn’t do my due diligence. But I have a degree from a college that is unaccredited (not even national accreditation).

I looked through the subreddit, and there was discussion of regional vs national accreditation, though there isn’t a clear answer whether or not Japanese immigration would accept a nationally-accredited degree.


1. If I submit an apostilled diploma from an unaccredited college, is that considered immigration fraud? I don’t speak Japanese well, but I attempted to talk to some lawyers here and they literally have no idea what accreditation is, let alone the difference between national and regional.
2. I don’t mind doing a lowly-paid English job – do they care if my diploma is unaccredited or not?

Thank you so much. And yes, I am kicking myself in the butt for this, but what’s done is done. For anyone considering a college in the future … make sure you check its accreditation status unless you want a lifetime of stress.

  1. Won’t count.

    It’s not really immigration fraud as much as it just means you won’t be meeting any immigration requirements.

    Tying in with point 2, it means that you would not be able to get a Work Visa at all.

    I believe that immigration has a comprehensive list of accredited schools, so if yours doesn’t appear in it, that’s that.

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