How to note take during JLPT listening

I am taking JLPT N2 in December and was wondering how you have all taken notes on the test?
Did you use hiragana, a mix of kana/kanji or your native language? Do you think one of more efficient than the other?

  1. I think whatever is the fastest for you is best. So if that’s your native language (which I think is the case for most people), go for it.

    I personally can’t write fast enough in either language and still keep up with the conversation, so at most, I can manage one word (usually English) or a scribble per option.

    Sometimes drawings work. Like, I know 家 is house, but I might not have time to write 家 or translate it to “house” in my head and write that, but drawing a very rough quick house is fast and helps keep my head in Japanese mode.

  2. None of the above, I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for me to take notes effectively.

    I’m always impressed at the people who can though. Every time I tried, I’d end up missing out on chunks of the dialogue.

    I’m the same way in my native language though. Every time I’d try to take notes in class, I’d start to lose track of the professor’s explanation.

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