Tips to lower Gas Bill

Hi it’s my first time living alone in an apartment and my gas bill is pretty high it’s 5k yen for 34days of usage. My friends pay around 2-3k per month. I know that it’s impossible for me to pay 2k since the 基本料金 is 2.1k.

Would like to hear any tips on how to lower my gas bill?

Btw I don’t cook that much. Thank you.

  1. Your gas is probably Propane gas, and your friend’s one is City gas.

    Propane is around 400~500 per m3, while city gas is usually 100 per m3.
    If your apartment has a metal box or external gas tanks, then it’s propane and it’s expensive unfortunately.

    I only use my gas to bath and my stove is IH, and I still pay around 5k~6k every month.
    While my uncle pays around 4k in a house with 3 people and cook using gas.

  2. I live in a 1R and I noticed I pay around 3-4000 during the warm months, but it seems to go up to 7000 in the colder months. My married co-worker pays around the same as I for 2 people with city gas. I use LP gas, which is more expensive than city gas. I don’t think I can lower my cost much because I take 5 minute showers and I cook pretty regularly. There isn’t much that I can cut out on my end unless I turn off the water when I shower to only rinse.

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