An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese after Genki

So I’m looking into doing a summer program in Japan this coming summer and the text book is An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese, The course I am currently in will cover up to Genki 2 chapter 20(ending in march), and I wanted to know how much of a jump it would be from Genki it would be.

The program Starts in July, so I would have a respectable amount of time to attempt to fill the gap, but I want to make sure that it isn’t too much of a jump.

1 comment
  1. I haven’t used that specific textbook so take what I say with a grain of salt. The jump from Genki to any intermediate textbook is a steep learning curve. It is mostly due to the huge increase in vocabulary and kanji. Grammar for Japanese in my opinion isn’t that difficult to grasp since most textbooks have reading sections and plenty of activities to make sure you understand their forms and use cases.

    If you can I would get the textbook before you go and start learning the vocabulary and kanji. If you can build up some steam then you will be able to focus more easily in class since you have a better understanding of the topics. Also, check Anki and Quizlet to see if there are any premade flashcards. Since you are already in class until March don’t worry too much about mastering every word. Focus on your current class and when you have some free time level up your vocabulary and kanji. I would ask your teacher if they have any recommendations for books at your current level some schools might have online libraries you can access. Seeing words and phrases in real-life scenarios is the best way to make things stick.

    Once you start your class you will have a sense of what is important to pass the class. I hope you have a great time in your summer class.

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