Japan itiniterary

I am planning to do a three week trip to Japan upcoming summer. This will be my first trip to Japan. We like nature, history, cities, food and photograpy (and planning to see a little nightlife in Osaka but not much). My planning is the following:

Day 1-6 – Tokyo

Day 6-8 – Hakone (still in doubt whether this is the best location. Because we are travelling in the summer, therefore mount fuji will not be good visible. Also the open air museum does not look really appealing for us. I would love a stop between Tokyo and Kyoto within a town with a lot of nature and different hiking trails as quiet stop inbetween. Any recommendations?)

Day 8-12 – Kyoto

Day 12-16 – Osaka with a Day trip to Nara

Day 17-20 – Hiroshima

Day 20-21 – Tokyo and flight back

Questions that I have:

– Anybody recommendations for good alternatives for Hakone? Preferably a place with onsens, different hiking trails through nature and because we are travelling in the summer views of mount fuji are not necessary. Therefore I think there are better places than Hakone.
– any other nature locations which are recommended? I saw Takayama a lot mentioned. I was thinking about shortening Kyoto/Osaka and adding this location. What do you think?
– do you have any other itenararies for three weeks which you like so that I can compare it with mine?

Other tips? 🙂

  1. There are hiking trails in Hakone. The Old Tokaido Road is a well known path. It might be crowded at certain times of year though. There’s a lot more in Hakone than the Open Air Museum, it’s just usually considered a must see since it is unusual.

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