Problem with neighbours over bicycle

I recently moved to Japan with a electric bicycle I bought overseas. It has an integrated battery to the central tube so when charging I can’t take the battery out. I live in an apartment complex with 10 houses, doors are side by side and the bike garage is like 10 meters away. There is a fence in front of the house doors about 2 meters away and entrance of the houses are raised by two steps of stairs.

To charge the bike I left it in front of my door, below the steps about 2 times and I got complaint from neighbors next to house, which is understandable, because it kind of blocks their entrance just a little bit. So I started to leave it 2 meters away next to fence with an extension cord.

Today when I woke up I saw another complaint, this time stating that someone tripped over the extension cable. I am kind of at a loss right now over to what to do. I live on the second floor so I can’t take the bike inside even if I wanted, also the Genkan is not too long before the straits, so it doesn’t fit there vertically either.

Why Japanese are so fussy about these kind of things ? Why they don’t directly communicate and leave print outs to my door? and should I be worried ?

  1. If someone tripped over the cable then just try again, this time taping it against the wall or something. This could still lead to some complaints if your neighbour doesn’t think you should have anything outside at all, but you should at least avoid a trip hazard.

  2. You’re complaining that people are complaining that you’re causing health and safety issues, and also obstructing their daily lives and space by having to navigate around your bike and extended power cables?

  3. It’s not even a “Japanese” thing, I would be annoyed about it too! Why should your neighbours have to put up with your bike blocking their door (even if it’s by “a little bit”)? And yes, having an extension cord is a health and safety issue – both in normal and emergency circumstances.
    Avoiding direct confrontation is the way they do things here, you’re probably lucky they haven’t gone to management yet because if it escalates enough it can go to the police.

  4. What you’re doing is really the wrong way. Apartment have personal space and shared space. What is outside your room is considered a shared space and you can’t just bring your personal extension cables to your bike. The bike is your problem, you either bring it inside your room, or get one that you can take the battery out. Yes you should be worried, the management company and landlord will definitely ask you to stop.

    If someone tripped by your cable, you are liable for their injury. Be glad they don’t claim medical expense, because they totally have the right. I would definitely do it if I was the one who tripped. Hopefully you have a personal liability insurance as well that covers this kind of accident.

  5. > I am kind of at a loss right now over to what to do.

    Seems like you are the problem. If you can’t charge your bike without being an inconvenience to others either A) move or B) get a bike with a removable battery.

    This isn’t other people being fussy, this is you inconveniencing others and somehow thinking they should accommodate you.

  6. Have you tried explaining the situation with your neighbours? Apologizing for the inconvenience and explaining that you will only be charging on said day at said time? (For example)

    I’m not saying it will work, but if you’re just blocking the entrance with the bicycle/ extension cord without any communication, then you’re definitely going to get complaints. If you keep doing it too, it may get to a point where the complaints will go higher and a visit from the police – you mentioned someone “tripped”. This could lead to such problems.

  7. If my neighbor blocked my door with their shit and left tripping hazards around I’d be pretty fucking annoyed too.

  8. *I live on the second floor so I can’t take the bike inside even if I wanted*

    I tend to agree with all the comments so far however will try to offer some solutions. Forgive me if my suggestions are useless:

    1. Try to figure out a way to get the bike up to your apartment to charge it. Take the front wheel off to make it lighter etc. Figure it out.

    2. Is there a portable battery you can get that can charge the battery on the bike? Similar to a portable battery that charges a computer or a smartphone. This way you charge this portable battery in your and hook it up to the bicycle as it is parked in its designated spot.

    3. You may need to consider selling the bicycle and buying another one that offers a detachable battery.

    Good luck.

  9. Time to look into ways to charge your bike without breaking any of the apartment complex’ rules. Either bring the bike up (second floor sounds doable, I carried mine up the staircase to the 5th floor every day) or get yourself a car/ emergency battery – one with a regular outlet.

  10. I would be annoyed too. This reeks of “entitled gaijin” who thinks the world revolves around him.

    Pragmatic suggestions? Replace the bike.

  11. I’m guessing that the bicycle isn’t approved for use in Japan, so when things continue to escalate and the police eventually come and notice you’re using a potentially illegal bicycle, your problems are just going to be starting!

  12. I see the やばい tag, and it is, but maybe not for the reasons you think. You can’t be obstructing people’s space and leaving tripping hazards. It sounds like you need to get a new bike with a removable battery.

  13. When I lived in an apartment, I was on the second floor and kept two bicycles hanging on racks inside. There’s really no excuse for you. Just buy a stand up rack for it and hang it up inside to charge it. It also protects it from the elements which is a huge plus.

  14. i honestly wouldn’t give a fuck if i had to hop over a little extension cord, it would be appreciated you would tape it down or something. i understand people who WOULD give a shit and they wouldn’t be wrong to feel that way either, this is one of the things you’re either lucky to have a chill neighbor or not

  15. I agree with other comments, you shouldn’t use the public spaces, especially when it disturbed others. And I really curious about how twisted and narrow is it of the path way to your genkan that u can’t carry the bicycle up?


    Also the questions at the end. Well first, you can’t expect others to behave for your own convenience. And for this situation you are the one doing something out of the norms, you suppose to be the one that knock their/landlord/apt. managers doors and ask if you could charge you bicycle that way. But whether you should be worried, I d say so far there is nothing to worry about. If you get reported for too much, the worst case is the landlord terminate your lease and thats all. Is it a big deal? I don’t think so. Just look for next apartment that has charger piller or has a wider path that you could bring your bycycle home.


    BTW, what kind of e-bycycle is it? there r two type, where 1. you have to step the pedal for the engine to work. 2. works like a motorbike you can let it run without you pedaling. If it’s the second, then u may need a license for that.


    Here is the layout of the house, All of the entrances are side by side, especially they are grouped into two. Genkan length is about 60 cm, I can only fit half of the bike inside. Also the width of the entrance is about 73 cms so again can’t fit the handlebars of the bike to carry upstairs aswell as there is a 90 degree turn at the end.

    If I left a notice when charging would it work? At least I can say “hey I warned”.

  17. 😂 come on my man. Just throw your bicycle and buy a new one. This is the only solution. Don’t be so fussy.

  18. I’m confused why bike can’t get to the second floor… You leave it at your door, is your door not on the second floor?

    How long does this thing take to charge? Can you charge it at your door for an hour in quiet times when it won’t bother people, and then put it into the bike area? If it’s blocking the common property half the day then yeah, I would be annoyed too. If you were charging it from 11pm until midnight then putting it away, I would not be so fussed.

    Where do you go during the day? Is there a way to charge the bike there?


    EDIT: your latest post answers some of this

  19. Find another place to charge it, like your workplace or something.

    Or charge it at 1 am when there’s less people there, put some cones with lights around the cable so people don’t trip, and even better, stay around the cable when charging. People will still complain though, you’re looking for trouble.

  20. The correct way to do that would be to knock on your neighbour’s door, explain the situation, throw a couple of gomeiwakuookakeshimasu and moushiwakegozaimasen, perhaps give something for their tea. This way you would charge your bicycle with extension cord and the neighbour would not have a right to be annoyed.

    But then, some people can’t be reasoned with and are just looking for a trouble and in this case, surprise, you have a full right to ignore them. Questionable morally, but still viable. Even if they go to the landlord, even if the landlord says that you can’t do it, even if they tell you to get out you can safely ignore them. I’d probably not go down this path, but if you’re desperate then why not.

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