Share your izakaya/bar stories!

I’ll start, there’s an izakaya I frequent so I got to know all the staff, regulars and owner. So many stories from this place alone, but one time the owner invited me and another regular back to his house because I had talked a lot about drinking games, which are quite different in North America. So we all go to his house after he closes and we start with some Beeriokart cuz he has an old Mario kart game. Then we move on to beer pong and I teach them that, but by this time we were pretty blitzed. So anyway, lots of laughs and wacky things happened which won’t be repeated

Another time, me and my girlfriend went to a bar in Shibuya. Made some overly sexual (in a joking way) eye contact with the dudes sitting behind us so we started sitting and chatting with their group. Super nice group. So we’re going to the next place I had in mind which was supposed to be a church themed bar. So as the group we all stumble over there and along the way I learn the one girl was actually catholic. I had never met a Japanese person who was legitimately into religion, let alone catholic, so I thought that was sick. Anyway, we get to the church bar and there are some good tunes im hearing so I’m in there getting another drink for me and my gf. But I didn’t see the other group in there so I asked my gf where they were. Apparently the place actually worried the catholic girl because it definitely was not actually affiliated with the Catholic Church. Rest of the night was fun though, lots of talking to people at that bar and committing sacrilege.

Let’s hear your stories!

  1. I was 23 at the time and started drinking at a friends house in a small city in Chugoku region. I brought a bottle of whiskey and everybody said they don’t want to drink whiskey. Ended up drinking the whole bottle.

    Got super drunk and went to balcony for a smoke. Spotted a group of uni students (it is basically a uni city). I shouted asking what they are up to tonight. They shout back and invite me to drink with them. Two guys and three girls. Two min later despite the protests of my friends I join them with my hawaii shirt, shorts, flip-flops and my bike. They start to lead me to a bar. First time in my life I black out for like half an hour and when I come to my senses I am still riding my bike and alone.

    So I rode to the city center where the bars are. Saw a middle aged guy struggling to walk. Proceeded to shout at him and asked if he wants to tag along. He says OK but I say I am too drunk so he rides and I get on the back. It goes well for about a 100m or so but then he proceeds to crash into the tram lane. No damage on the bike so we decide to walk bringing the bike with us. We arrive at the bar. We drink until morning. When the check comes I see the guy passed out. I say he pays and leave the bar. Too drunk to ride home so eventually I fell off of the bike, 5:30 in the morning in the middle of the road facing sky. A friend from uni in her car somehow sees me and helps me get up. Puts the bike in her back seat and drives me back to my dorm.

    Turns out she was also drunk (she allegedly drank 8 highball glasses) and returning home. DUI is pretty common in that inaka. We start to talk about our love lives etc. We end up kissing in front of her home and she invites me in.

    One of the most memorable nights of my life.

  2. In 2003 a friend and I were looking for a bar he’d found written up extensively in travel magazines/books. We found it. Packed doesn’t even begin to describe it.

    So we went wandering around and stumbled onto a whisky bar where a drunken Irishman spent the next 3-4h trying to explain the different characteristics/etc. of different single malt scotches to us and spending several 10s of thousands of yen on us. He was also trying to get into the pants of a girl who was clearly the bartenders girlfriend who would politely take the drinks he bought her and pour them out when he wasn’t looking. Anyway – great night – fun memories – we even have a picture of the evening with an early digital camera I had.

    Fast forward to last weekend. Friend is visiting again (when he’s feeling down he comes to Japan, we hang out, all is good). We get together and this time he’s got another bar he wants to go to. We go. Drunken Japanese guy proceeds to spend several man yen on us buying single malt whiskys for us. We laugh about the fact that the only time this ever happens to us we’re together in a foreign country…

    Then I got food poisoning at my favorite bar eating their fish and chips… ugh…

  3. I once went to toriki and ate so many cheese croquets that I ended up puking my guts out on the train home. After that couldn’t even stand the smell of cheese for weeks.

  4. The other night I went out to a bar. I had drinks and other people there had drinks too. Then when it was closing time I walked home. On my way home I stopped at a 7 and got myself some microwavable ramen. At home I ate that while watching reruns of Community in my underpants. Some of the soup spilled on my bare leg. But it was ok, because microwaving it hadn’t gotten it too hot.

    Absolutely crazy night, man.

  5. One night I was getting wasted with one of my co-worker and started talking to this group of middle aged Japanese women. They ended up inviting us to a karaoke bar after. My co-worker got so wasted so we left. It’s 4 o’clock in the morning and both our places are about 15-25 min walk. This being our first night out wasted in a new place. I decided to rely on google map to guide me home. But my co-worker on the other hand, felt he knew how to get home and didn’t need a google map.

    I got home and went to sleep. When I woke up I saw I got a message from him around 5 or 6 o’clock. This man walked 2 hours in the opposite direction from his house and didn’t know where he was… I tried to call him back, but no answer. He ended up calling me back saying he hitched a ride with a truck driver back.

  6. I’m from Yokohama but I visited a bar in Angeles City yesterday. One that I’d been to the day before after consuming a pitcher of well-made margaritas. Well, they presented a wedding contract written on a bar napkin that I’d written up the night before as well as a bill for ringing the bar bell several times without paying. I got out of the “marriage” but had to pay the outstanding bills. I guess that I was lucky.

  7. I went to an izakaya in Hokkaido. It was way up in the top of this big building. We walked forever to get to the door and when we finally arrived, the izakaya had a small little sign by the door. We were greeted by a younger girl. There were seats and tables divided by little bamboo mat curtains. It was smokey, but intimate and had a good overall atmosphere. Anyways, we ordered some drinks and little dishes. Kanpai! Then whatdya know, the food came and we ate it. I think we ordered some more drinks and food, but by then time had passed. Later, the waiter put a small clipboard on the table that had a small piece of paper with numbers and letters on it. We took it to the front where they asked us for money! It was overall a great experience. I just couldnt believe that we had to leave the same way we came in. Unbelievable!

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